My love of RPGs began with my first copy of Final Fantasy 1(I ended up buying a second copy after I blacked out from blowing on the first Final Fantasy cartidge because the game was glitching). I was around I had learned the basics of playing an RPG faster than I finished my homework, I believe I was around 9 years old at the time.
I continued to follow the Final Fantasy series up until 7, (for reasons which you can see in a my blog about creativity). For some time after FF7 was released my love for RPGs began to whane, that is until I discovered... Everquest 1. I played this game since launch and for another 7 years. My dedication can be seen in my poor GPA which was sacrificed so I could have more time to raid Nagafen's Lair, or help my friend finish his epic weapon quest.

So, my thoughts, reviews, criticisms, and general opinion of video games is what you can expect. I'm not a designer; I don't work for any video game development company or publisher. I'm merely an end-user who likes to share his thoughts.
Spero che voi goderete leggere i miei blogs...
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