But anyways, enough about my rant on the risks and rewards of MMORPGs. I think it's time move onto a new type of MMO. There seems to be a new fantasy MMORPG made every freakin' hour, most of them being spawned out of Korea, the latest of which is Aion. My friends had talked about Eve Online before, but I never gave it much thought. I was a huge fan of Babylon 5 and Star Trek DS9(which is my favorite), and watching the gameplay footage for Eve Online excites me like I haven't been in awhile. Massive battles, ship vs ship combat, and resource management seem like a big change and I hope Eve Online won't disappoint.
This is the new video that caught my attention. It's a new video made by CCP Games that definitely perked my interest.
Here are the characters I've built over the years. Yes, no lvl 80s yet, I've been too busy playing alts, to concentrate on one guy. The last Deathknight was recreated on a new server which was closer to my time zone after having moved to a different country.

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